Jun 14, 2009

I haven't finished Astro Knight's island.

Even thought I haven't finished the new island yet, I can help you with anything on land. I can help you with the second planet on the coordinates, and anything else up to there. (except the first planet on the coordinates). Also how to get rid of the space sharks near one of the planets in space. Any how to get in the volcano in the fire planet, But that's where I'm at now.


  1. hi. I am stuck on how to get rid of the space sharks. Please tell me how.

  2. Hey, Bla Bla Bla girl here,
    When you get close to the Ice Planet (X-83, Y-73), the space sharks will attack. They will NOT let you land there. So you have to get rid of them.

    The trick is to get them to follow you. Shoot them with your blaster, one at a time, until they are all chasing you. Stay just barely ahead of them, and lead them up and slightly right -- to the Black Hole at X-85 Y-47. Veer around it and it will swallow the sharks.

    If you can't take all three, take one or two and come back for the remainder.
